To conclude my Research and Development blog, I will bring together all of my findings from this project.
From gathering relevant research sources I have enabled myself to develop and learn new skills such as researching, reflecting, analyzing, and compiling knowledge and then applying it to my own work. I used visual influences such as mood boards, case studies, and images for artistic inspiration which is reflected in my final artifact. From this, I took forward the skill to document my progress through screen recordings, screenshots, and frequent write-ups, then allowing me to look back and reflect on my development and growth.
Using video tutorials, case studies, articles, and previous findings working alongside practical experimentation, I have learned how to use new software such as Blender, Substance Painter, and the Unreal Engine. Such required software has given me the opportunity to practice skills in 3D modeling, texturing, and level design.
All of these skills combined, resulted in a high-quality level design in Unreal, using a variety of custom and sourced assets, and finally bringing all of these elements together in a cinematic sequence.
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